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Text File  |  1995-11-14  |  31KB  |  434 lines

  2. █████ PCBfiles v1.0
  4. █████ Internet Related
  5. █████ PATH: \INTERNET
  8. !PCBUU20.ZIP  [0]  !!! PCBuucp Version 2.0 Information Package
  9.                                | on the full-featured PCBoard - Internet and
  10.                                | USENET gateway software. PCBuucp v2.0 is
  11.                                | fully compatible with PCBoard 15.x and
  12.                                | PageSat and Planet Connect.
  13. ACTIVE.ZIP    [0]  The Unix Formated ACTIVE file from Planet
  14.                                | Connect's Service
  15. ADDMK202.ZIP  [0]  ADDRESS MAKER 2.02 By RifWare. A Utility Door
  16.                                | for PCBoard systems only using the Internet
  17.                                | E-Mail utilities UUIN and UUOUT, for allowing
  18.                                | users to set up Internet E-Mail aliases
  19.                                | without you having to go through and edit the
  20.                                | ALIAS.XXX files. Allows for up to 10 incoming
  21.                                | (SysOp Definable), and 1 outgoing al per
  22.                                | user. Also shows users their default add
  23.                                | FREEWARE!
  24. AN-EM12.ZIP   [0]  NetMail/Internet E-Mail v1.2 [PPE] Replace
  25.                                | with (E)nter Command in Netmail Conference.
  26.                                | Will prompt users for either Netmail or
  27.                                | Internet E-Mail. If they select Fido Netmail,
  28.                                | it will give them prompt for name, subject
  29.                                | and Fido Address of board they are sending
  30.                                | to. If they select E-Mail, it will put the
  31.                                | proper Fido Gateway to the Internet in the
  32.                                | `To:' field and then put
  33. ARCHIE.ZIP    [0]  ARCHE.PPE Version .20b 5/1/95.If your a
  34.                                | PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a direct
  35.                                | internet connection, then this PPE is for
  36.                                | you. All you need is an Internet Email
  37.                                | account with a UUCP provider and you can
  38.                                | provide your users the ability to access the
  39.                                | ARCHIE!! Using this PPE, your users just type
  40.                                | in the SEARCH STRING
  41. BINKG104.ZIP  [0]  * Binkley Gate v1.04 - This is an InterNet
  42.                                | E-Mail addon for PCboard using NetXpress and
  43.                                | other InterNet Mailers. It gives you a qiuck
  44.                                | and easy way to feed Fido types of downlinks
  45.                                | with your current UUCP E-Mail feed. 286, 386
  46.                                | and NT versions included. Fully functional,
  47.                                | not crippled. Major bug fix release.
  49.                                | Merlin Systems PCBuucp software. This PPE
  50.                                | allows you or users to maintain Internet
  51.                                | Mailing Lists as created by the "Your Own
  52.                                | Mailing List" option in PCBuucp. Allows you
  53.                                | to add and delete names, backup and restore
  54.                                | the list to/from a backup file. Also allows
  55.                                | password protection for each mailing list.
  56. CLONG10.ZIP   [0]  CLONG Version 1.0 PCBoard 15.2/PCBUUCP 2.0
  57.                                | utility that will convert the InterNet
  58.                                | NewsGroup field from PCBUUCP ver. 2.0's
  59.                                | CONFS.DAT into the 60 char. allowed field in
  60.                                | PCBoard 15.2's CNAMES.XXX files! Saves loads
  61.                                | of time if running those 2 programs and you
  62.                                | just upgraded from 15.1!
  63. COMT104.ZIP   [0]  This is a shareware utility program that I
  64.                                | FTP'd from ftp.std.com that when installed
  65.                                | will allow you to use a Windows based COMM
  66.                                | program to TELNET to computers via TCP/IP and
  67.                                | Trumpet WINSOCK. I believe that it will work
  68.                                | with other TCP/IP winsock drivers but I've
  69.                                | only used it with the Trumpet Winsock version
  70.                                | 2.0 Revision B. Hope this helps all you power
  71.                                | users who wish to Telnet and File transfer
  72.                                | via the Internet.
  73. CRZ_FTP.ZIP   [0]  CRaZy World - FTP List PPE Nice little PPE to
  74.                                | maintain an FTP List
  75. CSTI32.ZIP    [0]  ==========================================
  76.                                | CyberSpace Internet Transporter v3.2 YOUR
  77.                                | USERS WANT THIS DOOR!!!! This door can make
  78.                                | up to 255 Internet services, FTP locations,
  79.                                | Telnet sites, etc available on YOUR BBS via a
  80.                                | cheap UNIX SHELL account with your local
  81.                                | Internet provider. No expensive equipment or
  82.                                | special phone lines required! Just an extra
  83.                                | modem, phone
  84. DHIMC102.ZIP  [0]  IMC v1.02 <DSI> - Internet Message Center
  85.                                | From ~Dragonhead Software~: A PCBoard PPE
  86.                                | that allows user to post a properly formatted
  87.                                | internet e-mail message and send it through
  88.                                | your local UUCP gateway. Also has automated
  89.                                | net-mail functions for sysops who are tired
  90.                                | of typing in modifers. Comes with address
  91.                                | book and can start a message automatically
  92.                                | This PPE is one of a kind.. Check it out!!
  93. EMAIL-10.ZIP  [0]  EMAIL - This ppe will allow you to show your
  94.                                | users thier EMAIL address if you are using
  95.                                | INTERNET mail. It replaces the name spaces
  96.                                | with dots and centers it on a nice looking
  97.                                | display. You can add to the display file or
  98.                                | add to another optional help file. Source
  99.                                | included. (PPCL required)
  100. ENAME101.ZIP  [0]  eName v1.01 is a PCBoard PPE (includes the
  101.                                | PPS source) which converts a user's name to a
  102.                                | legitimate email address. Great for welcoming
  103.                                | a user to an Internet email conference.
  104.                                | Conforms to RFC1137 spec for converting names
  105.                                | into email names. ENAME.INI allows for
  106.                                | customizing colors, domain, and more!
  107.                                | FREEWARE, by Duke Engineering.
  108. FTP.ZIP       [0]  WWW.PPE Version .20b 5/10/95. If your a
  109.                                | PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a direct
  110.                                | internet connection, then this PPE is for
  111.                                | you. All you need is an Internet Email
  112.                                | account with a UUCP provider and you can
  113.                                | provide your users the ability to access the
  114.                                | WORLD WIDE WEB!! Using this PPE, your users
  115.                                | just type in the URL and an
  116. FTPMAIL1.ZIP  [0]  FTPMAIL PPE v1.0: FTPMAIL for PCBoard 15.21
  117.                                | [FTPMAIL.PPE]: This program open the
  118.                                | oportunity to ALL PCBoard user's make FTP to
  119.                                | Internet File Server's. Design for work to
  120.                                | PCBoard 15.2x, and any BBS who work with
  121.                                | email Server's UUENCODE & UUDECODE. ## MSmac
  122.                                | Software
  123. FXUC04B.ZIP   [0]  FX UUCICO BETA is a drop-in replacement for
  124.                                | Waffle's UUCICO. It's fully compatible with
  125.                                | Waffle 1.65, but adds a lot of new features.
  126. FXUCI1.ZIP    [0]  First non-beta release of the popular
  127.                                | FX-UUCICO program. I find this to be an
  128.                                | excellent alternative to CDC's UUXFER, with
  129.                                | some nice added features. Worth the extra
  130.                                | effort to set it up.
  131. FXUUCICO.ZIP  [0]  PCBoard UUXFER Replacement * 7 bit for telnet
  132.                                | * File restart (crash recovery). File size
  133.                                | negotiation and free space management.
  134. GECHO100.ZIP  [0]  Gecho Mail Tosser
  135. HOOK142U.ZIP  [0]  HOOKeD v142b UPGRADE for ver.1 rel 3.8
  136.                                | Windows GUI communication program for
  137.                                | Internet. "Surfing the Internet" is easy.
  138.                                | This is a fully functional Client/Server
  139.                                | application for navigating the Internet in
  140.                                | Windows. Your local connection can be used to
  141.                                | connect with our server. README.TXT included
  142.                                | in ZIP.
  143. HOOKED14.ZIP  [0]  HOOKED ver. 1.42b for Windows GUI
  144.                                | communication program for Internet. Point and
  145.                                | shoot menu makes "Surfing the Internet" easy.
  146.                                | This is a fully functional Client/Server
  147.                                | application for navigating the Internet in
  148.                                | Windows. Your local connection can be used to
  149.                                | connect with our server. README.TXT included
  150.                                | in ZIP. For DEMO or account contact HOOKeD at
  151.                                | 415-281-6550 (voice) about obtaining a
  152. IAB121.ZIP    [0]  IAB: Internet Address Book v1.21 A PCBoard
  153.                                | PPE program that will allow your users to
  154.                                | store & retrieve their personal list of
  155.                                | on-line contact addresses (Internet,
  156.                                | Compuserve, America On-line, Prodigy, AT&T
  157.                                | Mail, MCI Mail, RIME Routed, FidoNet & local
  158.                                | BBS IDs) on-line. Enter them once and
  159.                                | forget'em! For use with PCBoard v15.1
  160. IEINTRO1.ZIP  [0]  Internet Conference Intro "I am user@domain"
  161.                                | PPE IEINTRO.ZIP - Version 1.00 Contains the
  162.                                | latest version of the PPEs. (C) 1995 Nicholas
  163.                                | Schiano. NicksWare - Quality PCBoard PPEs
  164.                                | Only $10.00 to register!!
  165. INET110.ZIP   [0]  Internet By Email PPE Suite INETPPE.ZIP -
  166.                                | Version 1.10 Contains all the latest version
  167.                                | of the PPEs. THIS IS A FULL INSTALL VERSION
  168.                                | WHICH YOU NEED WHEN YOU START OFF FROM
  169.                                | SCRATCH. - Quality PCBoard PPEs
  171.                                | for World Wide Web by Email, FTP By Email and
  172.                                | ARCHIE by Email. Version 21b, 5/18/95. If you
  173.                                | are a PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a direct
  174.                                | internet connection, then these PPE's are for
  175.                                | you! SHAREWARE $5.00 per PPE or $10.00 for
  176.                                | all 3!
  178.                                | the whole collection of internet by email
  179.                                | PPE's from Nicholas Schiano. Included are the
  180.                                | SHAREWARE PPE versions of World Wide Web by
  181.                                | Email, FTP By Email and ARCHIE by Email.
  182.                                | Version 20b, 5/15/95. If you are a PCBoard
  183.                                | Sysop and can't afford a direct internet
  184.                                | connection, then
  185. INTERTY.ZIP   [0]  SysOps! - Do you want to give YOUR users 8n
  186.                                | Internet Email Address? Internet Usenet?
  187.                                | International Fido Message echoes? 4-15 megs
  188.                                | of files a DAY? Starting at 5$ a month!!!
  189. IPNET111.ZIP  [0]  IPNET.PPE v1.11 - PPL program for PCBoard.
  190.                                | Makes it easy and quick for callers to enter
  191.                                | netmail messages when using InterEcho and
  192.                                | InterPCB. Allows for an Internet gateway to
  193.                                | be designated and eliminates the need of long
  194.                                | explanations to callers on how to enter
  195.                                | netmail. Compiled with PPLC v3.0.
  196. IPNT102A.ZIP  [0]  IPNET.PPE v1.02a - PPL program to make it
  197.                                | easy and quick for your users to enter
  198.                                | Netmail messages when using InterZone
  199.                                | Software's InterPCB program. Allows for an
  200.                                | Internet gateway to be designated and
  201.                                | eliminates the need of long explanations to
  202.                                | your users on how to enter netmail. Compiled
  203.                                | for use with PCB 15.1 only. Fix to limit
  204.                                | subject line length since InterPCB only
  205.                                | allows 25 characters or less.
  206. ISFQ1194.ZIP  [0]  alt.internet.services frequently asked
  207.                                | questions files as of 11-21-94 - downloaded
  208.                                | from rtfm.mit.edu
  209. I_NET101.ZIP  [0]  Easily send Internet mail using your standard
  210.                                | PCB Netmail conference. To be used with
  211.                                | PCBoard 15.21 and higher. I-Net100 is a
  212.                                | PCBoard PPE that can be installed as a
  213.                                | replacement for entering a message in your
  214.                                | netmail conference. It will propmt the user
  215.                                | for the type of mail (Internet or netmail)
  216.                                | and format the required To: fields
  217.                                | accordingly.
  218. KA9QDR12.ZIP  [0]  KA9QDOOR v1.2 - RUN KA9Q NOS AS A DOOR. Offer
  219.                                | callers direct TCP/IP access to the Internet
  220.                                | via serial SLIP/PPP link! Allows them to run
  221.                                | FTP, Telnet, Mosaic, etc! Requires KA9Q NET
  222.                                | program and an connection to the Internet.
  223.                                | (Callers need SLIP/PPP software.) Shareware.
  224. KSPFTP23.ZIP  [0]  KSP FTP v2.3 - A BBS Door Program. Lets
  225.                                | callers download files from remote ftp sites!
  226.                                | Internal support for X/Y/Zmodem
  227. KSPMTS23.ZIP  [0]  KSP-Mail v2.3 Multi-Threaded Server for SMTP
  228.                                | Mail and NNTP Usenet news. Replaces UUCP, its
  229.                                | monthly fees,& slow transfer rates!
  230. KSPMUX14.ZIP  [0]  KSP DVMX v1.4 - A packet multiplexor that
  231.                                | allows the KSP network doors to run properly
  232.                                | under DESQview. Provides greater performance
  233.                                | than PKTMUX/PKTDRV. Designed to work with KSP
  234.                                | products; may not work as a general-purpose
  235.                                | packet multiplexer. FREEWARE.
  236. KSPSLP29.ZIP  [0]  KSP SLIP v2.9 - A BBS Door Program. Offer
  237.                                | callers direct TCP/IP access to the Internet
  238.                                | via a serial SLIP link! FTP, Telnet, Mosaic
  239. KSPTEL47.ZIP  [0]  KSP Telnet v4.7 BBS Door Pgm. Lets callers
  240.                                | login through your BBS to remote computers
  241.                                | anywhere in the world using the Internet!
  242.                                | DOOR.SYS
  243. MAILTEST.ZIP  [0]  SYSOPS - If you are currently setting up a
  244.                                | PCBoard to UUCP gateway, you and your users
  245.                                | can test your config, by sending a test
  246.                                | message to the Ability OnLine Support
  247.                                | Network. FREE!
  248. MAILUU11.ZIP  [0]  MAILUUCP v1.1 NEW: For PCB V15.21 Allows your
  249.                                | users to (E)nter a message to the INTERNET
  250.                                | via FIDO's UUCP Gateway with just ONE
  251.                                | keystroke. Easy to install, Easy to use, Easy
  252.                                | on the $$ :-) FREEWARE/PPE. Even "looks" like
  253. NETERM25.ZIP  [0]  NetTerm v2.5 Internet Telnet BBS Zmodem SLIP
  254.                                | NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator
  255.                                | with fast zmodem file transfers. Dialer, also
  256. NETRPT.ZIP    [0]  For use with uuPCB (Ed Hopper's UseNet bridge
  257.                                | software for PCBoard). Takes report generated
  258.                                | by dbfsetup and listing of UseNet conferences
  259.                                | then generates a bulletin with descriptions
  260.                                | for users. <FREEWARE> source included.
  261. NETST32.ZIP   [0]  NetSTATi Version 3.2 will edit your NET file
  262.                                | from UUPCB and create a PCBoard BLT file with
  263.                                | header, avg cps, total pkts sent and total
  264.                                | pks recieved statistics also does Newsgroup
  265.                                | information !! FREEWARE !! From NetLINE
  266.                                | Flagship +27-11-789-6085/6/7/8 MUST HAVE
  267.                                | UUPCB by Ed T. Hopper
  268. NETSTRIP.ZIP  [0]  NetSTRIP Version 1.0 will strip down your NET
  269.                                | file created by UUPCB to the amount of entrys
  270.                                | you specify, companion product to NetSTATi a
  271.                                | complete BLT creator for UUPCB By Ed T.
  272.                                | Hopper, both for NetSTATi and for NetSTRIP
  273.                                | you will need UUPCB by Ed Hopper
  274. NLFE10.ZIP    [0]  NLFE 1.0; Frontend PCBoard for Internet/UUCP.
  275.                                | The Northern Lights FrontEnd allows PCBoard
  276.                                | systems to support alternate facilities
  277.                                | accessed w/o login to the main BBS. Useful
  278.                                | for other services, but primarily designed to
  279.                                | provide UUCP sites (Unix, MACs, DOS-based)
  280.                                | Internet access. Extended comm ports, speeds
  281.                                | to 38,400 supported. Shareware. $20.
  282. PBU_112.ZIP   [0]  PBBSuucp V1.12 Allows your user to enter or
  283.                                | reply to Internet E-Mails just like what they
  284.                                | does with FidoNet style Netmails without have
  285.                                | to specifically type a TO: statement at the
  286.                                | first line of the message body!
  287. PCBINET.ZIP   [0]  How to connect PCBoard to the Internet - text
  288.                                | file
  289. PCBSEC51.ZIP  [0]  PCBSEC v5.01 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard.
  290.                                | - Compiled with PPLC 3.01 - Freeware PPE for
  291.                                | the use of PCBoard SysOps Corrects a small
  292.                                | bug that occurs when naming the receiver that
  293.                                | should be notified of an encrypted archive.
  294. PCBUU20.ZIP   [0]  !!! PCBuucp Version 2.0 Information Package
  295.                                | on the full-featured PCBoard - Internet and
  296.                                | USENET gateway software. PCBuucp v2.0 is
  297.                                | fully compatible with PCBoard 15.x and
  298.                                | PageSat and Planet Connect.
  299. PCUSENET.ZIP  [0]  Planet Connect's current list of Internet
  300.                                | USENET Newsgroups, that can be used by UUUTIL
  301.                                | to create the conferences on your system
  302. PDIAL93.ZIP   [0]  The Public Dialup Internet Access List
  303.                                | (PDIAL) of December 9, 1993
  304. PMMAIL10.ZIP  [0]  Brand New TCP/IP Email package for OS/2 PM.
  305.                                | An excellent alternative to Ultimail. v1.0.
  306.                                | Shareware, with a reasonable price. The
  307.                                | author has many ideas for new features in
  308.                                | later versions, but v1.0 is an excellent
  309.                                | product. If you use OS/2 and TCP/IP, check it
  310.                                | out.
  311. PSECDOX.ZIP   [0]  Revised documentation for PCBSEC. This file
  312.                                | eliminates the references to earlier versions
  313.                                | of PCBSEC and includes the mystery lines for
  314.                                | CONFIG.SEC that were not included in
  315.                                | PCBSEC51.ZIP. At last take advantage of those
  316.                                | UUENCODING features!
  317. STFD_INF.ZIP  [0]  Setfeed Info. Instructions for issuing
  318.                                | setfeed/dynafeed/rcmerge commands using
  319.                                | uuPCB. DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT
  320.                                | YOUR SITE SUPPORTS SETFEED!!!!
  321. TCPI1194.ZIP  [0]  comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc frequently asked
  322.                                | question files of November 1994.
  323. TH-M2C20.ZIP  [0]  Pre-processor that scans your incoming
  324.                                | Internet email for messages to specified
  325.                                | conferences on your BBS. Saves you transfer
  326.                                | time because it lets you receive messages for
  327.                                | Internet mailings lists once instead once for
  328.                                | each caller. [PPE] Version 2.0 is a major
  329.                                | upgrade that has support for UUencoded
  330.                                | messages, message splitting, HDRKEYS.LST, and
  331.                                | much more!
  332. TH-SIG11.ZIP  [0]  TH-SIG is a small PPE to add a .sig to each
  333.                                | outgoing piece of email and each newspost
  334.                                | that leaves your system. It gathers all
  335.                                | necessary information other than the .sig
  336.                                | itself from PCBOARD.DAT. The .sig is fully
  337.                                | customizable to your tastes. The PPE is
  338.                                | freeware and contains no nags or other
  339.                                | annoyances. Bugfix v. 1.01
  340. TH_FTPM1.ZIP  [0]  Tired of getting email from people who see
  341.                                | messages from your BBS on Usenet and want to
  342.                                | know if they can get files from your system
  343.                                | without calling long distance? Well, now you
  344.                                | don't have to tell them no! TH-FTPM is a
  345.                                | full-featured FTP-by-email server that lets
  346.                                | people request and receive files by email,
  347.                                | completely automatically. Includes accounting
  348.                                | so you can charge too! [PPE] Shareware.
  349. TIAB100A.ZIP  [0]  TVBAB 1.00a - Compile 03JUL95[PPE] The
  350.                                | Vampyre Bar! Internet Address Kit This PPE is
  351.                                | a complete address kit for all of your
  352.                                | Internet/Usenet conferences. This PPE can be
  353.                                | used to: o Display a user's Internet address
  354.                                | o Maintain an Internet address book o Replace
  355.                                | PCBoard's (E)nter command to auto- matically
  356.                                | place an Internet address into a
  357. TIEAB38.ZIP   [0]  The Internet E-Mail Address Book PPE! v3.8
  358.                                | Red Dragon Software(tm) 1995. This is a must
  359.                                | have utility for any PCBoard BBS that offers
  360.                                | private internet e-mail! Allows users to
  361.                                | store address as well as automatic startin of
  362.                                | Internet E-mail! Also shows user there
  363.                                | internet address per your system! Now you can
  364.                                | alphabatize your addresses! See HISTORY.DOC
  365.                                | for details!
  366. TRAKEN01.ZIP  [0]  TRAKEN01.ZIP - Information on how to get your
  367.                                | own Internet subdomain from the Internet site
  368.                                | TRAKEN.COM.
  369. T_BAD100.ZIP  [0]  TSS_Bad is used to extract NewsGroup or
  370.                                | Fido-type AREA tags from your PCB BadMail
  371.                                | and/or Junk conferences. This is used at TSS
  372.                                | Online! to spot mis- configured conferences
  373.                                | as well as to find new NewsGroups and echos
  374.                                | that are flowing, but for some reason have
  375.                                | not been configured.
  376. T_BST100.ZIP  [0]  Unbatched NewsGroup data process for use with
  377.                                | Planet Connect or PageSat BAG files.
  378.                                | Dramatically increase tossing speed by
  379.                                | pre-sorting BAGs by NewsGroup hierarchy. This
  380.                                | program has allowed TSS to toss the entire
  381.                                | Planet Connect news feed in very little time!
  382. UTCAN13.ZIP   [0]  New and Improved! UTCAN13 - UUCP Trashcan
  383.                                | ========================= adds blocking and
  384.                                | tagging ability to pcboards UUCP software.
  385.                                | Also does taglines. New version handles
  386.                                | newsgroups and is Compatable with PCB 15.1 >
  387.                                | 15.21. Good logging sure to please,
  388.                                | freeware!!!
  389. UUCP.ZIP      [0]  PCBoard <-> UUCP Support Files. Includes 2
  390.                                | sample BAT and sample SYSTEMS. Contact Scott
  391.                                | Robison with error reports and/or questions.
  392. UUDO12.ZIP    [0]  UUDO.EXE version 1.2 Intelligent multi- part
  393.                                | UUDECODER. Works great!
  394. UUDV_DOS.ZIP  [0]  -=== UUdeview (version 0.4) ===- powerful
  395.                                | multi-file multi-part decoder for uuencoded,
  396.                                | xxencoded, and Base64 (MIME) encoded data.
  397.                                | Works with news postings as well as emailed
  398.                                | data. DOS version. Free but copyrighted (GPL).
  399. UUNAME10.ZIP  [0]  UUNAME; PPE for PCBoard 15.0 that formats
  400.                                | your callers name into his or her Internet
  401.                                | email address on your system. This PPE can be
  402.                                | run from the PCBoard command line, or from
  403.                                | inside a bulletin or other text display.
  404. UUPCB127.ZIP  [0]  UUPCB Version 1.27 - Shareware Release
  405.                                | Complete Package. uuPCB is the oldest,
  406.                                | continuously supported Usenet gateway for PC
  407.                                | Board. Try before you buy! This version is
  408.                                | fully functional, but limited to 4
  409.                                | conferences plus email.
  410. WWW.ZIP       [0]  WWW.PPE Version .20b 5/10/95. If your a
  411.                                | PCBoard Sysop and can't afford a direct
  412.                                | internet connection, then this PPE is for
  413.                                | you. All you need is an Internet Email
  414.                                | account with a UUCP provider and you can
  415.                                | provide your users the ability to access the
  416.                                | WORLD WIDE WEB!! Using this PPE, your users
  417.                                | just type in the URL and an
  418. WWWF100A.ZIP  [0]  WWWFREQ 1.00 - Compile 17JUN95[PPE] World
  419.                                | Wide Web File Requestor for PCB 15.2x [Minor
  420.                                | Maintenance Release And Bug Fixing] This PPE
  421.                                | allows you to request files across the World
  422.                                | Wide Web without a leased (T1) line on your
  423.                                | system. [Shareware]
  424. ZNEWS97C.ZIP  [0]  ZipNews; FAST Usenet News access for PCBoard,
  425.                                | Wildcat! and Waffle BBS systems; v0.97c BETA.
  426.                                | Can handle news article uploads from the new
  427.                                | ZipNews Reader/Mailer (available separately).
  428.                                | Registered version of the door can handle
  429.                                | Internet E-mail downloads and uploads in
  430.                                | addition to Usenet NEWS. Like the various PCB
  431.                                | gateways, this door only needs Waffle for the
  432.                                | uucp transport & news/mail setup; its primary
  433.                                | advantage is all msgs are in Internet format.